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Hi, I'm Jen

Are you overwhelmed by a cluttered or messy house? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I know that when I’m surrounded by physical clutter, my mind also starts to feel cluttered. The good news is, in this case, the obvious solution is the most effective one. 

There are a ton of benefits to decluttering. But I know firsthand just how overwhelming it can feel. It’s hard to know where to start as well as how to start. For many people, a lack of motivation is the hardest hurdle to overcome. 

To get started, you have to first get motivated to find the motivation to declutter. This is why I’m sharing practical strategies to help you get up and moving. 

How to Get Motivated to Declutter

Know Your Reason For Decluttering

The best way to get motivated and stay motivated is to know exactly why you’re decluttering your home in the first place. Think about what you’re hoping to achieve. 

Maybe you’re trying to detox your home or practice minimalism. Or maybe you’re sick of spending so much time and energy on the things in your home and want to spend more time focusing on your family. There are a ton of reasons to want to declutter. 

Once you have a better idea of why you want to declutter, it’s a lot easier to eliminate anything that doesn’t align with what you’re hoping to achieve. As you declutter your home, remind yourself of your reasons for starting in the first place and you’re more likely to stay motivated until the job is done.

Work In 15-Minute Increments

Looking at the big picture can make you feel like you have an impossible task on your hands. If you’re intimidated by the amount of time it will take to achieve a clutter-free home, try working in 15-minute increments.

This will break down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. Plus, when you set a timer for 15 minutes, you will be motivated to complete as much as you can in that time. 

Image: Pinterest

Find Inspiration

When I need some extra motivation, I’ll peruse Pinterest to find beautiful spaces to admire. This always inspires me to tackle any projects around my home. I’ve sprinkled a few photos through this post to inspire you too!

Set Clear, Realistic Goals

Another great way to get motivated to clean and declutter your home is to decide ahead of time what your end goal is. You can also set smaller goals to achieve along the way. 

When thinking about your goals, try to be specific. The more specific your goals are, the more motivating your plan will be. Specific goals help you to feel motivated through every step of your decluttering plan.

Start With One Area

Looking at the big picture can immediately make you feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. If you’re unsure where or how to start, try focusing on one small area or a single task at a time. 

Pick a specific area to focus on; not a room, but an area even smaller than that. For example:

  • Tackle all of the dirty dishes in and around your sink
  • Start with one closet at a time
  • Throw out any expired food in your pantry
  • Declutter and reorganize your bookshelf
  • Clear off your desk or makeup table

This idea is a great way to get you started when you don’t feel motivated or inspired. Focusing on a small area will help you to achieve success with minimal time and effort.

Image: KNOF Design

Reward Yourself

Another great way to get motivated to start decluttering is to plan rewards ahead of time. Set milestones and then plan a reward for when you complete each milestone. 

Some ideas include treating yourself to a massage, a manicure, or even a facial massage. Decluttering can be quite physical work after all! You can use just about anything as a reward, as long as it’s something that you can look forward to and that motivates you. 

Make It Fun

Decluttering projects aren’t exactly fun, but you can make them more enjoyable. 

You can turn on some music or listen to an audiobook or podcast. Pairing something you enjoy with the task at hand will help you stay motivated and might even help you finish the job sooner.

Consider Getting Some Help

If you’re feeling especially uninspired, consider asking someone to help you achieve your decluttering goal. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help! With more people pitching in, the work is easier and the project gets completed faster. It can even be a fun bonding experience.

I suggest first looking for help from someone who shares the space with you, like your spouse or your kids. You can also call a friend or family member, be honest about what you’re struggling with, and kindly ask them for some help. 

I also suggest joining The Beauty Collective, where you can connect with like-minded individuals who strive to embody healthy, authentic, and results-driven lifestyle practices. I can’t wait to see you there! 

Limit Distractions

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get distracted when you’re already unmotivated to tackle the task at hand? Even things you wouldn’t normally care to spend time on, suddenly seem more appealing than decluttering your home. 

The key to overcoming this particular obstacle is to limit or avoid distractions to begin with. Put your phone somewhere out of sight, turn off the TV, and remove anything else that might distract you. If you do happen to get sidetracked, remind yourself of your goals and get back to work.

Donate to a Cause

Donating to a good cause always makes me feel great. When I look at clothing I haven’t worn, furniture I’m not in love with and kitchen gadgets I don’t use, knowing I can offer these items to someone who can indeed use them always helps in motivating me to clear clutter. Local women’s shelters are a great place to donate.

Image: Emily O’brien Stylist

Use these tips to get – and stay – motivated to declutter your home!

Hopefully at least one of these tips resonated with you as you searched for motivation to get started. I know decluttering can feel like an intimidating task, but it’s a lot easier to keep going once you get started. 

You can find even more tips and inspiration for achieving a more minimalist lifestyle on the blog so be sure to peruse around while you’re here!


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